The voyage has been very long, but we have finally arrived
in Brest, France! A quick flight to Detroit and a four+ hour layover there and
we were headed for France. The Detroit-Paris flight was almost exactly eight
hours. Some of us slept for most of the trip, others hardly at all.
We disembarked at Charles de Gaulle airport at 8:10 am
Paris time (2:10 back home). We made our way to baggage claim and everyone
retrieved his bags with no problem. We headed for the exit and had an
unexplained wait of about 15 minutes. But Amanda and Cyntia were awaiting us on
the other side of the doors. The lead us to Pascal, our driver and his amazing
motor coach.
We climbed up stairs and sat above traffic while our bags
rode below us. We were on our way by 9:30 am. We had a quick potty break before
we drove up on the A11 Autoroute. Pascal headed due west. The ride was eight
hours, but we indulged in an hour-long lunch. It was a much needed break.
We arrived at the beach on the bay at the east side of
Brest where we were to meet our families. The sun was out and it was very warm.
People in swimsuits were everywhere! Some families were awaiting us and others
drove up over the course of the next hour. Jean-Paul and Marie-José, our
on-site coordinators, had everything under control. To American eyes, all the
cheek-kissing and hugging and loud exclamations may have seemed chaos. But
Jean-Paul assured us this was perfectly normal for the first meeting with the
The teachers installed themselves in their home, l’Aile,
and finished the day with a walk down to the port.
From arrival at the Indianapolis Airport to the last family
picking up students, the trip lasted 28 hours. Our students didn’t complain or
whine the whole time (at least not that teachers could hear)! It is going to be
a really great stay.
Nous sommes en France!
Ethan, je veux juste que vous sachiez que je pense à toi tous les jours. Je t'aime tellement et je suis tellement fière de toi! Je peux voir votre image et obtenir des mises à jour de blog de votre professeur et je souris juste avec fierté! Profitez de votre temps en FRANCE !! Je t'aime! -Papa
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